not fair on 意味

  • 《be ~》(人)に対して公正{こうせい}を欠いている


  1. yeah lt's not fair on her
  2. it's not fair on mum .


        (a) fair:    (a) fair 品評会 ひんぴょうかい
        fair:     1fair n. 市(いち), 定期市; 《英》 (祭日の)縁日; 博覧会, 見本市; 共進会. 【動詞+】 hold a fair 市を開く A Christmas fair is held in this square every December. 毎年 12 月にこの広場でクリスマス市が立つ organize a book fair ブックフェ
        fair on:    《be ~》(人)にふさわしい
        for fair:    〈米俗〉完全{かんぜん}に、すっかり、十分{じゅうぶん}に I got drunk for fair last night. 昨日の夜はすっかり酔っぱらった。
        no fair:     nó fáir 規則に反すること,ルール違反.
        to be fair:    とは言うものの
        fair's fair:     Fáir's fáir. ((略式))(お互いに)公正にしよう.
        a fair number:    a fair number 相当数 そうとうすう
        absolutely fair:    完全{かんぜん}に公正{こうせい}な
        agricultural fair:    農産物品評会{のうさんぶつ ひんぴょう かい}
        animal fair:    {雑誌名} : アニマル?フェア
        annual fair:    例年の市
        antique fair:    骨とう市{こっとう いち}
        art fair:    美術展示会{びじゅつ てんじかい}
        as fair as can be:    色が抜けるように白い


  1. "not face major challenges to one's survival" 意味
  2. "not fail to" 意味
  3. "not fail to call someone when one has something definite" 意味
  4. "not fail to communicate with someone immediately to that effect" 意味
  5. "not fail to send an e-mail to someone from" 意味
  6. "not famous enough to" 意味
  7. "not far" 意味
  8. "not far at all" 意味
  9. "not far behind from" 意味
  10. "not fail to communicate with someone immediately to that effect" 意味
  11. "not fail to send an e-mail to someone from" 意味
  12. "not famous enough to" 意味
  13. "not far" 意味

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